Politicians Pelted With Rotten Food As More Farming CHAOS Erupts (This Time In WALES)

Farming CHAOS Erupts

00:00 – When It Rains It Pours
00:37 – Markets Are Flooded With Grains
03:02 – All For Emissions All A Scam
06:12 – Britain Is Fragile
08:09 – They Tried To Hide It
10:50 – This is Like A Bad Joke
14:53 – UK Military Is In A State
18:20 – Chaos Over Aid
19:55 – Putin Responds To Macron
20:25 – Biden V Trump / Business V People
22:17 – The Border Wall Is Making A Come Back
23:38 – Stock Market Fast Food
25:31 – This AI Is “Problematic”
28:01 – Meta Is A Censorship Platform
28:30 – Cereal Every Meal
Credit to : Neil McCoy-Ward